
Sustainability has become increasingly important to most stakeholder, who are currently required organizations to manage processes and systems related to quality, health and safety, environmental management, climate change, corporate social responsibility and other areas of sustainable development. CBQA Global helps organizations to ensure the processes and systems in relation to sustainability of an organization are manageable with system in place.

CBQA Global Sustainability Services

  1. ESG Verification
  2. Greenhouse Gases Accounting and Verification – ISO 14064 
  3. Social Responsibility – ISO 26000

ESG Verification

Every business has Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concerns. The stakeholder demand puts pressure on companies to create additional values by meeting environmental, social, and governance criteria.

What are the individual elements in ESG criteria?

  • E, Environmental criteria cover the energy used in the company and the waste it discharges, the resources it needs, and the environmental impacts, carbon emissions, and climate change. 
  • S, social criteria cover the company relationships, its community reputation, labor relations, diversity, and inclusion. 
  • G, governance, is the internal procedures in the company, making effective decisions, complying with the law, and meeting external stakeholders’ needs. 

 A strong ESG plan helps companies enter new markets, reduce production costs, increase employee productivity, optimize investment and assets.

CBQA Global third party ESG verification provides third party risk evaluation, verification and report assurance. ESG verification and report assurance against international standard such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

In relation to your ESG Verification, CBQA Global also provides certification audits for individual Environmental, Social and Governance Standards.

Environmental Certification:

  • Energy Management ISO 50001
  • Environmental Management System ISO 14001
  • GHG Verification ISO 14064

Social Certification:

Governance Certification:

Anti-bribery ISO 37001

Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Verification - ISO 14064

Climate change has implications for humans and the environment and could significantly impact resource availability, economic activity, and human well-being.

The ISO 14064 provides clarity and consistency for quantifying, monitoring, reporting, and validating or verifying GHG emissions and removals to support sustainable development through a low-carbon economy and benefit organizations, project proponents, and interested parties worldwide.

ISO 14064 – part 1 – quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals for organization
ISO 14064 – Part 2 – quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements in project level

The benefits of implementing ISO 14064 to your organization are:

  • increases the credibility, consistency, and transparency of GHG quantification, monitoring, reporting, verification, and validation;
  • promotes the development and implementation of GHG management strategies and plans;
  • promotes the development and implementation of mitigation actions through emission reductions or removal enhancements;
  • promotes the ability to track performance and progress in reducing GHG emissions and/or increase GHG removals.

CBQA Global can verify your organization’s greenhouse gas emission and reductions against ISO 14064 parts 1 and part 2.

Social Responsibility - ISO 26000

Organizations worldwide and their stakeholders are becoming aware of the need for and benefits of socially responsible behavior to contribute to sustainable development.

ISO 26000 provides guidance on the underlying principles of social responsibility, recognizing social responsibility and engaging stakeholders, the core subjects and issues pertaining to social responsibility an on ways to integrate socially responsible behavior into the organization.

CBQA Global provides assessment to your organization performance so that you can improve the organization performance on social responsibility.